If you've ever wanted to know what time it is in military time, you may have been surprised to discover that the time is quite different than standard, every day English time. Military time is used by all branches of the United States Armed Forces and is based on the 24-hour clock instead of an A.M or P.M system. In order to convert nine-thirty military time into regular time, we need to use basic mathematics, taking into account the 24 hour system.
So, convert 9:30 military time into normal (regular) English time? It's easy - all you need to do is add 12 hours to 9:30 and the answer will be 21:30. Therefore, nine-thirty military time will equal nine-thirty in the evening in regular English speaking (civilian) terms.
How is 9:30 military time written out?
Writing out military time is often necessary when communicating a specific time in a military setting. While civilian time is usually written out in one of two formats (12-hour clock or 24-hour clock), military time is written with the 24-hour clock method. This is also referred to as "absolute time" and uses four digits to represent the exact hour and minutes.
Using 9:30 as an example, 9:30 AM on the civilian clock would be 0930 hours or "oh nine thirty hours" using military terminology. Similarly, 9:30 PM on the civilian clock would be 2130 hours or "twenty-one thirty hours". It should be pointed out that while midnight is normally represented as 00:00 on the 24-hour clock in civil life, in military settings it's traditionally seen as 2400, which equates to noon being 1200.
Reading and writing military time may take some practice, especially if you're new to this system. You simply need to remember that each hour is assigned a two digit value based on its place on the 24-hour clock. For example, 1 PM would be 1300 and 8 PM would be 2000. Once you understand how this works, it will become easier to visualize how any given hour could be expressed in military standard time.
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